APN Embarks on an Economic Empowerment Project to Support Jerusalemite Families | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature
العربية لحماية الطبيعة تطلق مشروع "تمكين إقتصادي" لدعم الأسر المقدسية

APN in partnership with Al Nahda Rural Society embarked on an Economic Empowerment Project to Support Jerusalemite Families through training women on agricultural processing and providing them with the means to start their own initiatives.

The agricultural products were selected for their economic and nutritional value as well as market demand.

Agricultural engineers with a specialization in food and agricultural processing delivered the workshops in three villages of Aljeeb, Bido, and Rafat. The sessions focused on the production of jam, cream and mozzarella cheese, thyme, molasses, scented soaps, pickles and tomato puree. It also included a course on the cultivation of mushrooms. Apart from the 35 women who have been the recipients of these training workshops, the project aims to involve college students in the marketing of the produce. The financial compensation given to them will contribute to covering their tuition fees.