APN | Al Hussein Youth City
15 January 2023
A distinguished agricultural activity carried out by APN, with the support of the Middle East Insurance (MEI) Company, in the first joint cooperation between the two parties in celebration of Arbor Day this year.
The activity comes as part of the company’s social responsibility plan concerning the environmental sector in support of the Green Caravan program —one of APN’s programs — to mitigate the impacts of climate change, and preserve Jordan’s green heritage by making up for the trees we lost in Al Hussein Youth City (HYC) during the previous snow storms.
200 Jacaranda, Carob, and Melia azedarach trees were planted amidst an atmosphere of great excitement, with an attendance of 20 MEI volunteer employees. The trees were planted in the forest where a large number of Jordanians practice jogging and walking activities. The forest, located in the center of the capital, Amman, plays an essential part in reducing CO2 emissions.
“We are always delighted to start new partnerships with entities that take the adoption of social responsibility seriously and on the ground;” APN General Manager, Mariam Al Jaajaa, said in a statement, “entities whose employees volunteer to promote sustainable development. We are proud that this initiative with the MEI falls within a shared vision; in support of green presence in the capital, Amman; and in the preservation of the HYC forest’s heritage. We also hope to renew our partnership with the Green Caravan program, which is concerned with planting trees throughout all of the kingdom’s governorates, in support of our food security and a green environment as part of our responsibility to combat desertification.
“We are happy, today, to be part of this initiative,” Majed Smairat, Executive General Manager of MEI, said, “which reflects part of our commitment and interest towards a sustainable future and towards the improvement of the social, economic, and environmental well-being of our society. We also direct our support towards environmental improvements that promote a sustainable future and lead to social and economic improvements in the community in which we work.