Donate Now | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature

Join us in supporting small farmers by selecting the programme you would like to donate to from the “Programme” list below:

  1. Revive Gaza’s Farmland
  2. Planting trees in Palestine (Million Tree Campaign)
  3. Gaza Water Wells Project
  4. Planting trees in Jordan (The Green Caravan)
  5. If Only You Knew (Awareness Campaign)
  6. Food Sovereignty Programme (Advocacy)

If you select one of our tree-planting programmes, the cost of planting a tree is 5 Jordanian Dinars (7 USD). In return, we are pleased to give you a certificate of thanks in your name or the name of someone you choose, which will be sent within 3 working days.

Contribute to the organization's efforts through the electronic form above administered by our partner organization, The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature - Canada, or by donation to our bank accounts.


  • Bank al Etihad, Shmeisani Branch
    Account Number (JD): ​​0010117257315101
    IBAN: ​JO79 UBSI 1010 0000 1011 7257 3151 01
    Account Number ($): 0010217257315101
    IBAN: JO41 UBSI 1010 0000 1021 7257 3151 01
    Account Number (Euro): 0012317257315101
    IBAN: JO19 UBSI 1010 0000 1231 7257 3151 01
    Swift Code: UBSIJOAXXXX
  • Jordan Islamic Bank
    Account Number (JD): 1606079
    IBAN: JO23 JIBA 0020 0016 0607 9410 4000 06
    Swift Code: JIBAJOAM

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Sunday, January, 2020 - 22:03