The first meeting of the working group concerned with the Eradication of Hunger in the Countries of Conflict in the Arab region has been held at the UN ESCWA Headquarters in Beirut on March 20th, 2019.
A number of organizations including APN attended this meeting. The specialized working group, which is affiliated with the League of Arab States, discussed its terms of reference as follows:
- Directing activities dedicated to dealing with conflict and violence as a constraint to sustainable development.
- Dealing with rural development as an entry point to eradicate hunger in conflict-affected countries.
- Identifying the environmental pressures that can affect the methods of coping.
- Building flexibility and resilience.
- Supporting policies aimed at creating new economic, investment and financing systems.
APN requested adding two conditions to the previous terms as follows:
- Promoting regional cooperation and integration and building on existing initiatives to address the causes and consequences of conflicts and their impact on food security.
- Enhancing governance and legislative reform.
Moreover, APN gave a presentation on the Framework for Action for Addressing Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises so it subsequently gets integrated in the activities of the working group. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands, The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, The Arab Water Council, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Agency and the Arab League Secretariat.