Eng. Zuayter Gives a Lecture About MTC Program to AUB's University | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature

At the invitation of AUB's University for Seniors, APN's president Eng. Razan Zuayter presented a lecture titled “Palestine and Green Resistance” on November 30th, 2021, in which she reviewed the organization's The Million Tree Campaign achievements held in Palestine, via zoom.

During her speech, Eng. Zuayter shared beautiful insights about Palestines agricultural produce prior to 1948, and moved on to discuss the current agricultural challenges Palestinians face by deep diving into each of the different regions “A”, “B” and “C”. She also presented the popular resistance techniques landowners are resorting to, embracing them and giving them the title of "our heroes". Moving on, Eng. Zuayter listed the different green resistance models provided by APN, which aim to support landowners in becoming more steadfast and enduring in the face of occupation.

As part of the lecture, Eng. Zuayter devoted a section of her speech to discuss the impact of the recent aggression on Gaza, and explained that the Israeli occupational forces directly targeted the agricultural sector in an arrogant manner. The occupational forces managed to destroy 25% of lands planted with vegetables, burn 17% of lands planted with field crops, in addition to contributing to the death of thousands of livestock, including chickens, cows and sheep, all in just 11 days.

Over 90 participants attended the lecture and had nothing but positive feedback to share, which was further emphasized by the participants when they shared their kind words and outpouring support for APN's efforts.

In case you'd like to watch the entire lecture, please click on the following link: