At the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, APN’s co-founder Mrs. Razan Zuayter proposed APN’s one million tree campaign to be a starting point for an ‘Arab Tree Path’ project.
It aims at building such a path through the Arab world to improve the environment, combat desertification, promote agriculture and eradicate poverty and famine. Zuayter made the proposal during a meeting of the Sub-committee on Eradication of Hunger in the Arab World that was held on 3-4 April 2019. The committee agreed to study the project for launch in October.
APN’s general manager Mrs. Mariam Al-Jaajaa, in an intervention during the discussion on the sub-committee’s plan of work, objected to the adoption of Nestle’s awareness program due to gross international environmental, health and rights violations reported about the Company. She hoped that the committee will set up terms of reference for the selection of partners and determining their role to avoid a conflict of interests.