Zuayter gives a speech at a webinar held by PCFS on double standards relating to the right to food in light of wars, conflicts, and occupations on International Human Rights Day

APN | Amman – Zoom

15 December 2022


Razan Zuayter, APN’s Chair of the Board and Co-Chair of the People’s Coalition for Food Sovereignty (PCFS), spoke at a webinar organized by PCFS titled ‘On Just Grounds: Land, Food, and Rights Crisis and Conflict’. In her speech, she addressed the double standards of the global human rights system, as the world's largest imperialist powers, such as the United States and the European Union, continue to exert influence in shaping the global food agenda, while continuing to instigate many wars that starve millions of people, especially in the Global South.


She also touched on the ambiguous concept of the Triple Nexus ‘the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus’, which has not been developed and implemented effectively and is therefore devoid of any real value, prioritizing only short-term goals. It lacks specific plans and procedures to achieve coherence between these three pillars. And more importantly, the peace pillar is largely missing from policy and action. It is ambiguous in its treatment of human rights obligations. Without addressing the underlying causes of conflict, affected people will continue to live in subjugation.

To listen to the speech, click here