Al Jaajaa Speaks About the Roots of Israeli Settler-Colonialism at an International Solidarity Forum

APN | Amman – Zoom

18 October 2023


In light of the recent Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in Palestine, APN Co-Founder and Agricultural Advisor, Hassan Al Jaajaa, was invited to speak at a virtual international solidarity forum titled “Understanding Israeli Settler-Colonialism in Palestine and the Roots of US Imperialism in the Arab Region”. The forum was organized by the International Migrants Alliance – Indonesia and took place on 18 October 2023.

During his speech, Al Jaajaa presented a brief history of Israeli settler-colonialism by quoting the words of famous Zionist leaders used to describe Palestinians and what it takes to establish a Zionist Israeli state. He stated that plans to establish a foreign body in the Arab region were formulated as far back as 1907, with the objective of promoting disintegration, division, and separation in the region. Viewing the region as a threat, the Europeans devised a scheme to prevent any kind of unity, thereby ensuring that the region remained fragmented under the authority of imperialist countries.

Throughout the past century, the tactics employed by the occupation including land confiscation, home demolitions, and the destruction of entire villages, resulted in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous local communities. Fearing a decline in their colonial influence, the occupation launched a full-blown campaign of genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, with direct military support from the United States, United Kingdom, and France. The influence of imperialist agendas has been evident in the region, as demonstrated by the destruction of many countries, namely Libya, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Sudan, which has had a significant impact on global dynamics.

In his closing remarks, Al Jaajaa emphasized the importance of aligning and strengthening solidarity efforts, drawing inspiration from the historical peace that the region once experienced before the disruptive impacts of Zionism backed by Western imperialism shattered social harmony.