APN is Unique in Supporting who Affected by Jordan Valley Fires

A group of farms in the Jordanian valleys located near the border area of Al-Mashara on the banks of the Jordan River were deliberately set on fire back in June by settlers from the occupied territory,  when the winds were moving towards the east, which drove the fires toward the Jordanian farms.

This crime resulted in the burning of more than 5,000 fruitful trees planted across more than 150 dunams,  harming the farmers who own those lands. It cost the farmers one of their main sources of income and threatened their food and occupational security for the upcoming five years as the fires did not only cause harm for the time being, rather for the length of time the farmers would have to wait for their trees to regrow and bear fruits again.

Over the past months, APN offered various kinds of support to affected farmers ranging from supplying new irrigation networks to replanting more than 3 thousand trees on their burned lands over the course of frequent rounds of cooperations with a group of supporters during this year.

APN also worked on raising the issue amongst media channels through several press interviews with local channels and radio stations where they shed light on the farmers’ recurring suffering and questioned the government about its role in supporting the farmers and about the reason behind the delay and shortcoming in compensating them.

One of the latest follow ups was when the Jerusalemite activist Saleh Zighari visited the affected areas and filmed an episode for his Youtube channel which received over 73 thousand views till the time of writing this news piece.

APN did not hesitate to provide Jordanian and Palestinian farmers with support for the entirety of its career, and has launched multiple programs and campaigns, in addition to planting millions of trees to support the Jordanian and Palestinian agricultural sector and will continue its work to compensate affected farmers to prevent such crimes against the agricultural sector from happening.

You can watch Youtube episode by clicking on the link  https://youtu.be/NY0bGw_N8lk