العربية لحماية الطبيعة تقدر نسب الكربون الناتجة عن مهرجان عمان السينمائي وتزرع مقابلها مئات الأشجار

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature estimated the carbon ratios resulting from the procedures needed for Amman International Film Festival (August 23-31, 2021).

In response to the festival organizers’ desire to have a sustainable and environmentally friendly festival, APN planted 674 trees in Jordan, compensating for the carbon ratios resulting from air travel from different countries, and all car movements during festival days.

Razan Zuayter, President of APN, expressed her pride in partnering with the festival management, pointing out that filmmakers have a great influence, stressing on the importance of the initiative and taking their roles in environmental awareness.

For his part, Bassam Al-Asaad, one of the organizers of the Amman Film Festival, praised the idea of ​​ collaborating with “APN”, as an association with experience that qualifies it to present remarkable ideas in the context of contributing to environmental conservation, noting that “APN” achieved the aspirations of the festival by making it environmentally friendly.