12 October 2022
The chairman of the scientific committee of APN, Hassan Al-Jaajaa, delivered a statement in a symposium held by the French Institute of Jordan (IFPO) in Amman, under the heading “Agriculture and the Environment: The Importance of Protecting the Soil”, in which he focused on the importance of the soil for ecological balance, and he warned of the danger of pollution where humanity could be reaching a point of no return unless it preserves ecological and environmental balance ensuring our survival.
In his statement he addressed the impact of desertification on the soil, coupled with the risks of pollution by plastic, industrial products, and the waste from the manufacturing of arms and nuclear reactors which together cause a poisoning of the soil and the destruction of its fertility.
He concluded his statement by alluding to the necessity of profound change in the sense of responsibility to produce a radical change in the manner in which humanity is managing life on the planet, while pointing out that most of the damage is caused by the major industrial countries and multinational corporations which are dominant, and which possess control and power over other countries.