Al Tumayr supported APN to implement al project in Gaza

APN | Gaza - Palestine

May 2022


An intensive activity accomplished by APN in Gaza, supported by Al Tumayr Initiative, which has unswervingly answered the call of duty in Palestine, to rehabilitate an agricultural pond which was damaged as a result of the aggression on Gaza in the 2014 war. In fact, this pool will supply the farm of a family with irrigation water amid a scarcity of water resources from which the Gaza suffers, as a consequence of the Israeli siege.

Also, Al Tumayr Initiative has also sponsored 200 olive trees, planted by APN for one of the farmers, with a view to supplying him with the production inputs necessary for improving his income and securing his food needs.

This was not the first activity between APN and Al Tumayr Initiative, given that the partnership has extended over several years for the sake of supporting the Palestinian farmer and promoting his steadfastness.