جامعة الأميرة سمية تدعم حملة "ازرع صمودك"

APN | Princess Sumaya University - Amman

1 June 2022

PSUT responded to the call launched by APN for the fourth “Cultivate Your Resilience” campaign in cooperation with “Radio Husna FM”, with the aim of collecting donations for the “The Million Trees Campaign” and allocating the proceeds of the campaign to compensate Palestinian farmers for the trees that were uprooted, or to contribute to planting new lands. It establishes them on their land and prevents the application of the Ottoman Law Land of 1858, which the occupation uses as a pretext to confiscate lands.

The law allows the Occupation to confiscate land that has not been used for three years or where less than half of it is cultivated.

The university, administration and students, made a generous donation to adopt 830 fruitful trees that will be planted in occupied Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip to support farmers and their families to achieve their food security according to a sustainable vision.

The Chairperson of the Board of APN, M. Razan Zuayter lauded this commendable effort from the presidency and students of Princess Sumaya University, which adopts the scientific approach and sustainable development in its educational courses and seeks to leave an Arab scientific imprint in the region. On the Palestinian land, it hoped that cooperation with the APN would continue within its programs in Jordan, “The Green Caravan,” and in Palestine, “The Million Trees Campaign,” within a comprehensive vision that deals with food security as an entry point for food sovereignty.