A Popular Parliamentarian and Union Coalition formed to face gas import from Israel | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature
تشكيل تحالف شعبي نيابي نقابي لمواجهة استيراد الغاز من الكيان الصهيوني

The formation of the Popular Parliamentarian and Union Coalition was announced in a press conference organized in the Professional Associations Complex on 7 Dec. 2014. Attended by APN, the Conference gathered presidents of professional unions and members of Parliament, in addition to members of the Coordination Committee against Importing Gas from Israel.

The Coalition is part of a series of activities organized to include parliamentarians in opposing the gas import from Israel. It is worthy to mention that the Committee had contacted about 75 members of the Parliament to sign a petition that was delivered to the Prime Minister at the voting session in which the majority rejected the gas deal.

On Sunday 28 Dec. 2014, the Coalition organized "the Expanded Forum of Unions, MPs, Political Parties and Civil Groups Against Importing Gas from Israel".

The forum was concluded that there is a need to identify "a popular day"  where  rallies will be organized.