Report submitted to ILPS - Thailand September 2022

APN | Thailand

September 2022


In the wake of the defeat of the Axis powers and the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire of which the Arab homeland was a part, Great Britain, represented by its foreign secretary Mark Sykes, and France, represented by its foreign secretary George Picot, divided the region in accordance with a secret agreement between them, namely Sykes Picot, in 1916. According to the latter France controlled Lebanon and Syria and the Arab Maghreb, while Britain controlled Jordan, Palestine, Iraq and all the Arabian Gulf countries. Hence, feeble and divided entities were created that are politically, economically and military subordinate to the dominant state, and parallel to that the Zionist venture was launched in Palestine, as a military fort that safeguards western interests and guarantees separating the Arab east from the Arab Maghreb, while maintaining the continuity of the defect in the internal balance of those countries and in the region as a whole, and hence hindering economic, social and cultural development.

Those disfigured entities represented for the West sources for plundering natural resources in addition to being consumer markets for its products, while also constituting a reservoir for using the youth resources in the colonial wars aiming to control other peoples, and with imperial American hegemony over western Europe at a subsequent time, the influence extended automatically to the Arab region, and Washington succeeded through direct military presence and through financial and international institutions to disfigure and connect the economic policies of the nominally independent Arab states to imperial interests, such through economic subjugation, igniting internecine wars, imposition of sanctions on any state that attempts to implement its national liberation project, and finally to exercise psychological warfare on the population of the region to create fictitious internal contradictions.

This reality produced an official deviation from confronting Israel, the basic enemy in the region, and also from serious effort to achieve development and Arab economic, social and cultural integration, which constitutes the correct and only roadmap to overcome this reality.

In the shadow of this sordid reality, comes hope, where resistance has emerged in most of the Arab countries, as a natural and effective reaction to the strategies of the enemies, including the armed deterrent resistance as in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, which formed an integral whole in conjunction with the struggles of the Arab nation in many Arab countries such as Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and others, and a steadfastness, resistance and deterrence of the Zionist enemy were formed, as well as rejection of western hegemony, in alliance with other regional powers such as Iran with whom we have shared interests  and a common approach, while sharing the interests of world powers such as Russia and China which have a direct interest in the downfall of the unipolar world.

Presently, together we have crucial missions to form a global front to defend our peoples and interests. We urge all to endeavor to maintain national peace between the components of all the peoples, and equally important, strive for internal development and food sovereignty, and support all the forces of deterrence against imperialistic control- and all of the foregoing in accordance with the national priorities of every country.